RankHigherTheme® v4.0
Rank Higher, Drive More Traffic, Convert More
Contact Details
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Billing Address
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Card Information
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Item amount
Dynamically Updated $XX.00

ONE TIME OFFER: VIP Support @ $47. Jump to the top of the support queue every time you submit a support ticket. Your account will be tagged as HIGH PRIORITY & your support query will be answered before every other standard support ticket for just $47 for 6 months.

I agree to the Terms & Conditions, Refund Policy & Support Policy I also agree to receiving emails with information about the technology, services and future updates and I understand how data my is used via the Privacy Policy

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied with your theme after 14 days, we will give you a no-quibble MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.
What's Included
  • 1x RHT® v4.0 store license: You get 1 x store license which means that you can install this theme on one domain.
  • 1-2-1 Onboarding call: Accelerate your theme knowledge and expertise with personal 1-2-1 onboarding call to learn more about theme and it's capabilities. 
  • 60+ features and functionality: Our theme is preloaded with over 60+ features and functionality to help you load faster, rank higher and convert more.
  • ​Lifetime 'fix on fail' support: Every purchase of our theme comes with lifetime 'fix on fail' support.
  • VIP version vault: Get VIP access to all of our upcoming designs. We're in the process of building out many more themes using our new RHT v4.0 core technology.
  • ​Lifetime version upgrades: Every time we release a new design (many more theme templates coming soon) or a theme version upgrade, you will be entitled to a free version upgrade. 
  • ​Free masterclass training: Get a FREE Masterclass training session on how to scale your business organically up to 10X faster with AI.
  • ​Help center: Get 24 x 7 access to our brand new Help Center which provides all the Shopify and theme support you'll ever need to design, build and launch your new theme.
  • ​Private membership area: Get lifetime access to a secure private membership area where you can access your theme files, bonus trainings, toolkits and support.
  • ​Private community: Join like minded entrepreneurs in our private Group for everyone using the RankHigherTheme®. 

Value $10K +

Secure Processing

Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.
By providing us with your information you are consenting to the collection and use of your information in accordance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy above.

RankHigherTheme®  V4.0®. Copyright ©2024. All Rights Reserved
RamkHigherTheme® is a website and training service. We make no claims or representation that by using RankHigherTheme® and its training products that you will earn money or make your money back. Testimonials and case studies shown are real experiences from paying users of RankHigherTheme® and Kristin Mark Digital®. Their business’s results are not typical, and your business’s experience will vary based upon the effort and education of your business’s employees and management, the business model that is implemented,
and market forces beyond anyone’s control.